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How to Fix A Leaky Shut Off Valve Under Kitchen Sink Step by Step

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How to Fix A Leaky Shut Off Valve Under Kitchen Sink Step by Step

how to fix a leaky shut off valve

The shut off valve under the sink can be left unattended for years without any problems, but once it starts leaking, it can quickly lead to a mess. Not only does this issue waste water, but it can also cause the cabinets under the sink to rot. So we should fix this as soon as possible. It’s actually not that tricky to fix a leaking globe valve, but it will take some time. This article will show you how to fix a leaky shut off valve under kitchen sink quickly and efficiently in detail.

Why is my shut off valve leaking under the kitchen sink

The shut off valve is usually not opened and closed for many years in the process of use. But that doesn’t mean the valve never break down. Inside the valve, there are neoprene gaskets that help close or open the flow of water completely. Over time, these valves can wear out, become brittle, or become covered in mineral deposits. When this happens, the shut off valve loses its ability to seal properly, causing you to see a leak under the sink.

How to fix a leaky shut off valve under kitchen sink

As the going says a good tool makes half done. Before you start to fix the leaky shut off valve, you need to prepare the tool below.

Tools Required

  • tape
  • pliers
  • bucket or washbasin
  • screwdriver
  • new gasket
  • rag
  • lubricant

Step 1 – Tighten Nuts and Check

Wrap tape around the jaws of the slip joint pliers to avoid scratching and damaging the soft metal parts of the leak shut-off valve. Then, grab the nut behind the valve handle with pliers and turn it slightly clockwise. Watch carefully to see if the dripping stops or decreases; this will indicate that you just have to tighten that nut to stop the leak. If the leak does not stop, continue to the next step.

Step 2 – Turn off the water supply

Turn off the main water supply to the sink you are treating and drain the pipes completely. Place a small container under the valve to collect any water left in the pipes that may run out as you work

Step 3 – Remove shut off valve

Use a screwdriver to remove the screw on the shut off valve handle to remove it from the sink; there is no need to remove it from the supply line. After loosening the nut, pull out the threaded stem. Carefully record the location and dimensions of the gasket.

Step 4 – Clean or replace the gasket

If the valve isn’t cracked or cracked, the source of the leak is almost always these gaskets. Mineral deposits that build up on them interfere with their seals, and time wears them away until they fail. So you can replace these washers with new washers of the same size, or clean according to your situation. Be sure to use a clean rag to remove all unwanted and incomplete mineral deposits, and then clean them gently without scratching or tearing them. Once done, they will be more flexible again, which will allow them to better serve their purposes.

Step 5 – Reassembly

Reassemble the valve and put it back on the sink, avoiding any plumbing lubricant. These lubricants can stick valve components together, making future repairs difficult.

Once the valve is back in place and the plumbing is fully reattached, turn on the water supply to the sink. Watch out for leaks when the line fills up. At this point, if water is still coming out of the valve, it needs to be replaced. Fortunately, bad globe valves are very easy to replace. What you need to be aware of is that you must be able to find a globe valve that is the same type, size and thread as the old globe valve.

TIP: There are two things you must keep in mind when making any repairs. Be sure to close the drain before you start to prevent parts from slipping into the drain, and pay attention to the order in which each part was disassembled to help reassemble faster.

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